Friday, February 23, 2007
Baby #3
I had my ultrasound yesterday morning and we are having another GIRL. Everything is going fine and looks perfect with her. I still feel lousy, but what can you do? I guessed that she was a girl for that very reason!
The kids went with us to the ultrasound, but really didn't get what was going on. We tried to explain to Kale, but he really doesn't get it yet I don't think. I am sure once I start getting big it will be a little more obvious for him. Right now he probably is just wondering why Mommy isn't fun anymore, and lays around so much.
During the ultrasound, the baby wasn't very cooperative about getting her picture taken. She had her arms crossed across her chest so they couldn't get a clear picture of her heart. The solution to this is to push harder on my stomach, or bounce on my stomach, or have me move around. They finally did get a picture, but I was pretty sore by the end of it and I think she was mad about it. She complained about it the rest of the day by kicking me.
So it is still looking like she will be born the end of June, or beginning of July. My vote goes for June.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Fun with Grandma and Grandpa Smith

Grandma and Grandpa Smith, and Aunt Julie came to visit this last weekend. The kids were thrilled to see them and played hard all weekend.

Grandma and Alana walking in the backyard. We are blessed to have such a large yard for the kids to run around in. Hopefully we'll start having more and more spring weather so we can enjoy it!

Alana sleeping on Aunt Julie. We took the kids swimming at the hotel, and it wore Alana out. She really enjoyed swimming and kicking her legs in the water. Kale is still pretty cautious with the pool, but likes splashing in the kids pool and playing with the bubbles from the hot tub

Kale sitting with Grandma

Kale got to play in Grandpa's rental car. I'm sure he adjusted all the knobs and buttons for him. It was hard to convince him to come inside

We celebrated Dave's Birthday on Sunday night. The kids were very excited about the cake, especially when they found out it was ice cream cake.

We had a wonderful weekend, although the kids have definately been tired and trying to recover this week. It was worth it though.
Friday, February 09, 2007
When's Spring?

Kale and Alana sharing yogurt, and wrestling.

They are wonderful, joyful, happy kids. And of course busy, like all normal kids are. My life would be so dull without them. Alana has figured out how to run, and is working on jumping. She has had a cold this week, but hasn't been too bad. Just a little moody, and definately a Mommy's girl. Kale has been working on various "projects" like standing books up like dominoes. You can imagine how frustrating that would get with his sister trying equally hard to undo whatever he's doing. I am looking foward to nice sunny weather so we can take advantage of our large yard to run the kids around!

I managed to squeeze Alana in her Christmas dress once more, since she is walking know. It was a huge frustration to her to try to crawl in a fluffy dress at Christmas. She cried when I put it on her, but quickly forgot about it since it wasn't in her way anymore.
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