We have been enjoying the last few nice days of fall. Last saturday we were able to all walk to the park to play for the morning. It was such a fun time! All three kids really loved it. Jaylee loved kicking and watching all the action for the first hour or so, and then crashed on me. She is getting too heavy for a front pack!
It is amazing how many times the kids can go down the slides without getting bored. It felt great to play outside with all of us. Fall has been so busy, we haven't been able to do that nearly as much as we like.

Kale did not like the tire swing because it went in circles. Alana on the other hand, loved it and didn't want to get down when it was time to go home.
Jaylee is now officially 4 months old. It is so hard to believe. It has gone so fast this time around. We started her on solid foods last week, which she loves! It only took her about two bites to figure out how to swallow it and decide that she loves to eat! (shocking I know-you would never guess)