Christmas is entertaining when you have kids in the house. We are noticing that more and more each year. This year is definitely going to be the best to date. They were so excited to have the tree up, and especially to start the special Santa calender that counts down to Christmas, (with candy in it of course).
There has been more talk about Santa this year than ever before. They have been pointing out things that they want to ask Santa for. I don't know how many people have seen Spike the Dinosaur at the stores. He is about 3 feet tall, and works with a remote control. All three kids love it! Jaylee puts her face right up to him and roars. It is hilarious. Anyways, I explained to the kids that as cool as Spike is, he is too expensive to buy for Christmas, ($130!). Alana decided thats what she wants from Santa.
My mom babysat for us this last weekend, and when we got home let us know about a story she had made up for the kids. (it's always nice to be in the "know" about such things) One of the kids had mentioned Santa bringing Spike, so she made up a big story about how Spike the Dinosaur might scare Santa and make him crash his sleigh, so then no one would get any toys for Christmas. Kale very logically told Grammy that Spike comes in a box, so it's okay. Grammy explained that Spike comes in a box at Walmart, but toys from Santa don't come in boxes, (good to know). I guess their eyes got big, and they agreed that maybe Santa shouldn't bring Spike.
Well, in the last week, this story has gotten bigger and bigger, in the telling, especially from Alana. She has added more details about how Santa will crash, and all the toys will break and fall out all over and how the reindeer will get owies and won't be able to fly anymore. Needless to say, I think we are off the hook with getting Spike. (not that we were going to anyways-these kids would have broken that very expensive toy in a day!)