Kaleb is getting more into riding his bike, and Alana likes to help push him around the patio.

Kale likes giving goofy smiles as soon as he sees the camera. Alana says "cheese" too, although rarely takes the time to actually look at the camera. She is too busy for that.
He is also starting to get more and more interested in the baby, especially since my tummy is noticeable now. At first he would just look at me funny, and ask if there was a baby in my tummy. Now he says he has a baby in his tummy named "Jesus" and has been telling everyone.
Alana loves going down the slide. She gets so excited, she starts saying "whee" while she's climbing up the stairs. Sometimes she still likes to hold my hand going down the slide, and other times she just dives down headfirst.
We have made a couple of trips to the parks around here with some friends, which the kids love. For some reason playing with other kids just makes it even more exciting. Kale is big into making new friends at the park, which is fun.
All of us on the bridge in front of our house. We couldn't get Alana to pay attention to the camera, until a cat walked by. She absolutely loves animals, but especially "Eldons" as she calls all cats. (my mom's cat is named Eldon, therefor that is what all cats are no matter if it is a black housecat, or a picture of a tiger or lion).
Spring is a very busy time for Dave with work, so we have been trying to enjoy the time that we have with him playing. Kale especially has a hard time when Daddy is gone. Alana does a little better, but as soon as Daddy comes home, she wont' leave his side. I think spring will go by fast and the baby will be here before we know it.
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