I had a conference with Kale's teacher this morning, at 7:15am! Normally this wouldn't be a problem. I was planning on heading there directly from my run, but I quit my run early today on account of having a nasty cold.
The conference went well. I would have been surprised if it had been otherwise. I was able to help in his class last week while Aunt Julie stayed with the girls. It was a lot of fun, and really interesting to see where the other kids were at compared to Kale. He is definitely ahead for his class, and the only boy that can write his name with lower case letters correctly. That really surprised me. There were a few kids that couldn't even write the first letter of their names. Kale is writing quite a few words, reading some, and putting together rhyming words on the fridge. (if you put "at" up, he can make cat, rat, bat, etc. you get the idea) His teacher is very pleased with where he is at, and said that he is really challenging her. Kale has been asking the difference between the "k" sound and "c" sound. Uh...I should know that right? I asked Mrs. Jones, and she couldn't come up with a good answer either. Normally she doesn't teach 4 and 5 year old harder letter sounds. It made me feel a little less dumb.

On to Alana. Oh, Alana. The mischievous one. Mrs. Jones is excited to have her in class next year. Well, she says that now...
Alana tends to act without necessarily thinking things through. Yes, I know she is 3. Yesterday we were at Grammy's house, and the three kids were outside playing in the yard. I heard Jaylee screaming, and came running. Alana had run her over with a John Deer tractor, and knocked her off the step. I calmed Jaylee down, and had a brief talk with Alana about being careful with her little sister. After bringing Jaylee inside, I saw that she had a large knot forming on her forehead, and some of the scrapes were bleeding. So I got some ice and a wash cloth, and sat down with her. Alana came wondering in, took one look at Jaylee and said, "What happened to her?" Needless to say we had another little talk about hurting her sister.
Here is a picture of the damage. It didn't do it justice, but you get the idea.
Moving on to today. I hear Jaylee screaming again. I come in the room, and Alana is hiding. That is never a good sign.
me- Alana what happened?
Alana-I don't know
me-Then why are you hiding? What happened to Jaylee?
Alana- i don't know mom
me-Alana are you telling mommy the truth?
Alana- Well...she just fell down. well...I sort of grabbed her. I just wanted a hug!
yeah. uh huh.
About 20 minutes later, I hear Jaylee screaming in the kitchen. I mean SCREAMING! At the same time, Alana comes out of the kitchen, holds out a little fan, and says "mom can you help me get the hair out of this fan" At that point I had a pretty good idea as to why Jaylee was screaming. Sure enough, the little fan had a good amount of Jaylee's hair in it. I sent Alana to her room, and checked out the damage.
Jaylee thankfully does not have a bald spot, her scalp was just a little red for a while.
I went in Alana's room to talk to her.
me- Do you know why mommy sent you to your room?
Alana- I don't know.
me- Why was Jaylee crying?
Alana-She wanted to play with my fan I think.
Alana-She wanted to play with my fan I think.
me- I don't think that was it. how did the hair get into the fan?
Alana-um, I might have put it in Jaylee's hair.
me-Why would you do that?
Alana-Well, I don't know. Why?
me-Do you think that hurt Jaylee? Would it hurt to have your hair pulled out?
me-Do you think that hurt Jaylee? Would it hurt to have your hair pulled out?
Alana-Oh, yeah. Sorry Jaylee
5 minutes later...
Alana-Mom, can I play with the fan?
me-No, the fan is in time out.
Alana- Why? Did Kaleb break it?
LOL. I can't stop laughing! I am glad that you shared your day with me. It helped to brighten my day. :)
LOL. We started laughing even before finishing the "fan" story. Poor Jaylee. God made her tough.
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