We are in Kelowna BC with Dave for work. So, he is working, and the kids and I are having a vacation. Well, as we all know, staying in a hotel with three kids isn't so much a vacation for a mom, but it is an adventure at the very least!
It was a little bit cool this morning, so we started the day at the mall. First of all, to get me a coffee. I got up at 5am to get in a run before Dave went to work, which was awesome! Running along the water was great. However, it did make for a tired mama by 9am. We played there for a while, then went to the waterfront. Jaylee was quite impressed with the water park, but kept her distance. I don't expect that to last long.
Kale, however, remembered it from last year and knew just where to go. This year, he decided the waterslide was great! The girls didn't try it.

After the water park, we headed to the beach. Alana had been very fussy up to this point, but perked right up at the beach. The weather ended up being perfect, only about 75 so not too hot.
After the water park, we headed to the beach. Alana had been very fussy up to this point, but perked right up at the beach. The weather ended up being perfect, only about 75 so not too hot.
In reality, I built the sandcastle, and she would either help, or smash it. Either way we had a lot of fun. Jaylee loves to play in the sand and it is funny how bossy she is. "Mama use my shovel. Not like that! Put it in my bucket. The purple one"
Alana and Kaleb are both getting so brave in the water! The had a blast jumping the "waves" made by the big boats going by in the lake. Kale saw a parasail and said "Mom I want to do that!"
"Oh really?" I asked him
"Well, maybe you should do it and we can wave from the beach"
Sounds like a good plan to me!
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