The girls and I went to a Harvest Party today for the Mom's group we attend on Wednesdays. Alana actually picked out a costume for Halloween this year, but I was somewhat dubious of her actually wearing it. As you may recall, the last princess outfit she just had to have, ended in a screaming fit.
she was a little hesitant about putting it on this morning, but really liked her mermaid costume once it was on. Jaylee was appropriately a ladybug, since we call her our Jaylee bug.
The girls and I got to play games, and decorate pumpkin cookies. Alana was very shy with the other kids, but seemed to really enjoy herself.
One of the games we played was bowling with pumpkins. Jaylee loved chasing the pumpkins!
Alana was running too fast for the camera, so she's all blurry. However, it is the only picture I got of her smiling!
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