Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Harvest Party

The girls and I went to a Harvest Party today for the Mom's group we attend on Wednesdays. Alana actually picked out a costume for Halloween this year, but I was somewhat dubious of her actually wearing it. As you may recall, the last princess outfit she just had to have, ended in a screaming fit.

she was a little hesitant about putting it on this morning, but really liked her mermaid costume once it was on. Jaylee was appropriately a ladybug, since we call her our Jaylee bug.

The girls and I got to play games, and decorate pumpkin cookies. Alana was very shy with the other kids, but seemed to really enjoy herself.

One of the games we played was bowling with pumpkins. Jaylee loved chasing the pumpkins!

Alana was running too fast for the camera, so she's all blurry. However, it is the only picture I got of her smiling!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

More Wedding Pictures

Alana was having a great time clapping and dancing at the reception. Kale actually took this picture. He is very into taking pictures all by himself.

Kale and Mommy dancing. So fun!

Jaylee was able to wear Alana's old christmas dress. She loved it! She kept petting her dress and saying "pretty! Pretty Jaylee!" I think she will be the official girlie girl of the family. Alana cried when I made her wear that dress!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Kaleb, Alana and I were all in a friend's wedding this weekend. It was busy, and tiring, but went really well. Alana wasn't at all sure about being a flower girl, and refused to walk down the aisle during the rehearsal, but did great the day of the wedding, even without a nap. (this was partially because Dave had a stroke of genius, and put skittles underneath the rose petals in her basket, and told her she could have them but she had to throw all the the petals out to find them. This plan worked great).

They did pictures before the ceremony at the park. It was a gorgeous day, which was great for the pictures, but it was hard to keep the kids from running around and playing. They found some dandelions to blow, and that kept them entertained for a short while, and then it turned into a chase game, which turned into kale having dirt all over his tux pants. Thankfully it wiped off pretty well before the ceremony started.

Happy Birthday!

Alana is 3! She started her birthday with a chocolate donut with sprinkles, her favorite. It was quite a treat when mommy came home from her run with a bag of donuts.

I took Alana, Jaylee, and Alana's friend Riley to Kids Castle for her birthday surprise. She was so excited! Jaylee was excited too. So much that 5 minutes after we got there, she was running after Alana and fell and split her lip open. She slowed down a little after that. They had a blast playing in all the tunnels, slides, and ball pits. Jaylee isn't big enough to do it on her own, which meant I got to crawl through the tunnels after her helping. But she loved the slides!

Alana picked out frosted brownies for her birthday desert. She had a hard time blowing out the candles, and singed her hair a little leaning over to blow. I think the cake had quite a bit of spit on it, but that's what you get I guess.

Friday, October 24, 2008

The pumpkin patch

Daddy and Jaylee in the hay maze

This picture was just too funny to resist. Kale put the bucket on her head, which she found hilarious. She kept putting it back on over and over.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

We took the kids to the pumpkin patch on Sunday afternoon. They loved it! The pumpkin patch had a hay maze, and a hay pyramid with a big slide. All three kids loved the slide. After they played, (and played and played), they each picked out a pumpkin to take home. Jaylee was quite proud of herself for carrying her own.

I'll try to add more pictures later!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Funny Kids

The kids have been saying such funny things lately, I thought I would try and blog a few of them before I forget them.

I've been trying to convince Kale to stop picking his nose, (and eating it). I told him big boys that are 5 don't pick their noses. His reply was "I am a big boy. Big boys pick their noses too. Daddy does."

Kale is also really into wanting me to buy everything for him. I explained we didn't have money for that toy right now, and his response was "yes you do mom. You take your card out, and put it in the machine, and then we can take it home!" I told him you have to have money in the bank to make that little card work, but he didn't quite connect that. He fully acted out how I was supposed to run my card through the little machine so I can buy him stuff.

Alana has been talking about "when I am four and a boy, I will get to do that too." I have been explaining that God made her a girl, and she is going to stay a girl. I'm not sure why she thinks she will be a boy after she turns four.

She is also anxious for it to snow. "Now it's fall, and when the leaves are all gone tomorrow, it will snow, and you can go to the store and buy me pink dora boots." Oh really. I guess I'd better get on that, huh? Even if it doesn't snow here for at least 2 months.

Jaylee's vocabulary is growing rapidly, (which is no surpise with how much the other two talk). For a while, all animals were dogs. It didn't matter if it was a fish, lion, whatever. All dogs. Now they are either dogs, Eldon's (grammy's cat), or turtles. Very rarely are they named right, but she is sure excited. We went shopping at the toy store for birthday presents, and she kept pointing to all the stuffed animals. "Dog! Want that! Want that! Dog! Turtle! Want that!"

Monday, October 06, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Kaleb had his 5th birthday on friday! It seems hard to believe that he is five already. We had a very busy day of celebrating.

I went to school with him in the morning to help in his class. He got to be the special helper at school all day, and wear a birthday crown. He also got to pick out a new book as a present from his teacher. He really enjoyed having Mommy there to help in his class.

Grandpa Johnson came and took us out to lunch at McDonalds, (kaleb's pick of course-is there anywhere else to eat when you are five?). The kids were thrilled to see him, and played hard at the playplace, which was great because it meant that they all actually took naps!

After naptime we headed to the fair with Kaleb's bestest friend. The weather wasn't great, but that meant that the kids didn't have to wait in line at all. They loved all the rides, but especially the bouncey cars, and the rollercoaster. Kaleb has gotten much more brave with trying new rides. Alana has always loved the rides. When the weather got too rainy, we went and checked out all the animals.

After that it was back to the house for cupcakes and ice cream. Kale always wants cupcakes, but only ever eats the frosting. It was a very busy day, but the kids enjoyed every moment of it. The kids were certainly tired the rest of the weekend.

Oh, and Kale got to have gum for the first time. The deal was he got gum after he turned five. That was the first thing he asked for when he woke up on his birthday. He has had a few pieces, and has swallowed them each in less than a minute. We have tried to explain to just chew it, and he doesnt' quite get it yet.